Why you need personal branding photography is something I'm often asked by people not only just starting out in business, but by those who have been at it a while and are now plateauing in their growth. 

Why you need personal branding photography is actually an easily answered question.

It's because if you want to grow your business, being invisible or having crappy images representing you and your brand is no longer an option and can even harm your business.

it saves you time

Save time and get great clients

As a business owner myself, I know how vital your brand identity is. And I know the first thing your potential clients will check out is your social media and your website. This, maybe more than anything, is why you need personal branding photography.

But you struggle to get time to get all the work you are so good at done, never mind learn how to use a fancy camera, take great pictures, and promote your business online, don't you? I know what it's like - I'm at the coalface right next to you, also trying to juggle it all.

Lucky you found me, then, with my fancy camera skills and knowledge of modern digital marketing!

Not only will I take photographs of you which show you and your business at your best, translating your most compelling marketing message into images which will help you sell, but I'll give you lots advice on how you can maximise your investment and get the most out of them afterwards.


Put your business out there and feel GOOD about it

Are you scared to be seen? Do you go to networking events and meetings and feel slightly embarrassed at handing over your business cards in case people actually, god forbid, visit your website? Do you feel it all looks a bit ... meh? Or worse?

You're not certain your website and online presence in general reflect who you are and the amazing things you do for your clients.

Wouldn't it be lovely to invite people over to your online home and feel really proud of it?

it reduces stress

Save heaps of time figuring out what to  post on social media

Did you know, taking all your own photos to represent your business effectively on social media could cost you DAYS every year?

Say you spend 30 minutes a day on it, coming up with an idea, smartening yourself up (clothes, make-up etc), collecting props, taking tons of photos just to get the right one, adding 39 different filters to make it look semi-decent then end up deciding it looks better without ... Then there's getting them to fit all the social platforms ..!

How much more could you achieve in your business if you didn't have to do this stuff yourself?


Attract your ideal clients more easily and quickly

You have to hit your potential clients right in the feels - connecting emotionally is everything in your marketing.

They need to get to know you, like you, and trust you before they buy from you

Is your online presence doing you justice? People need to see why you're different and feel a connection with you.


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  • advice on how to get - and use! - exactly the right images to grow your business
  • branding and marketing hints and tips for small business owners
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